Legal Consultant
Fernando Wirawan, S.H., M.H.
Fernando Wirawan is a legal practitioner who has developed specialized expertise in criminal law, forensic linguistics, and environmental law. Having earned his Bachelor of Law from Andalas University (2014) and Master of Law from Riau Islamic University (2020), he has established a strong academic foundation in law.
He has been a Certified Legal Auditor since 2015. His professional experience encompasses legal policy research, public policy advocacy, and development of legal curriculum in higher education.
Before joining Pragma Integra, Fernando built an academic career as a law lecturer at Universitas Pahlawan (2020-2024) and several universities in Riau. He also made significant contributions to legal curriculum development at Yayasan Perguruan Tinggi Tuanku Tambusai (2018).
At Pragma Integra, Fernando serves as Legal Consultant focusing on policy and regulatory analysis, environmental law consultation, and economic law. The combination of his academic and practical expertise provides a unique perspective in delivering comprehensive legal solutions for clients. Currently, he also maintains an active role as a lecturer at several universities in Pekanbaru and Padang, bringing current academic insights into legal practice.